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  • Miss Amaca Not For Sale 吊床

Briccole as supports for hammocks – the thought came to me in a flash! – supporting structures for the most basic and perfect recliners, deeply primitive but newly invented. Briccole which, dotted here and there around the lagoon, support a series of cosy, welcoming, protective cocoons made of a thick, brightly coloured net of jute, nylon or cotton. An almost metaphysical landing stage that unexpectedly allows you to disembark, stretch out in the sun, to rest, to meditate, to sunbathe with arms trailing in the water.  Around you the architecture and sounds of Venice, the colours and light winds of a comforting coastline. And, deep down, what better function could they have?  I would position them there where they have always been an integral and distinctive part of that historic and natural complex of which I am a minute element.  I would perhaps devise a system of poles that could ensure that the hammocks hung just at the level of the water. This would certainly be neither very complicated nor very costly to create given that the water is not very deep and it is therefore unthinkable that these hammocks supported on briccole might ever sink into the water.


Miss Amaca Not For Sale 吊床

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