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  • Superloon 落地灯

It was a few years ago that Piero Gandini introduced Jasper Morrison to the innovative use of LED technology that became known as “Edge Lighting.” Morrison was inspired by the way it allowed him to send light sideways and how, when incorporated into the edge of a flat composite disc of translucent white material, it gave the appearance of a flat white disc. “Superloon is the answer to the question of what to do with this intriguing technology,” says Morrison. “Mounting the disc on a gyroscopic axis allows the light to be [sent] in infinite directions. The light it gives out is broad and diffused but can be dimmed to a soft glow.”. 


Superloon 落地灯

  • 订购价
  • ¥61,534.40

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意大利FLOS灯具 – 是时尚设计与一流加工技术的代名词。该公司产品的超群之处在于其典雅的造型与优美的线条。灯具会给人耳目一新的感觉,在它外观上可以看到现代风格与古典风格的融合。产品由世界知名设计师:切泽尔.卡西纳,吉诺.卡文那,飞利浦.斯塔尔克,艾舍利以及皮埃尔.泽科莫.卡斯丁里尼等设计。高质量与知名设计师的参与研发使得FLOS产品能够长期在灯具市场上一枝独秀。许多产品成为时尚与经典的典范。因此业界许多专家也将FLOS的设计风格称为“贵族式风格”。意大利FLOS产品不断引领时尚潮流。该品牌是灯具界极少数几家能够长期生产同一系列产品的企业。
