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  • ALEA 橱柜系列

Primary form. A rigorous design for a new defining of the kitchen. A project by Paolo Piva featuring ’minimal’ formal characteristics: to convert every practical unit into sheer design, essential forms, maintaining the highest possible operativeness. The aesthetic concept of Alea is linked to the strong prominence which singles out every composition, every element, and which is at times an edge, others a frame or structure. The containers, the work tops, the wall or island operative parts become perfect geometrical ’solids’, surfaces which enhance the separate materials.


ALEA 橱柜系列

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Poliform意大利高端家具品牌创立于1942年,产品以衣柜为主力阵容。Poliform 历来与诸多国际知名的设计师、建筑师合作。在现代意大利家居中,家具已经超出了其单纯的实用性功能。在设计风格上,Poliform 始终坚信只有简约的、实用的,才是完美的、永恒的。Poliform之所以成为世界顶级的家具,与它严谨的做工是分不开的,对于细节处的用心处理,决定了家具优秀的品质,使用几十年都能完好无损。Poliform与众多国际著名设计师的合作,将一种常人以前无法拥有的高贵带进了你的生活。
