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  • Daiki 户外椅子

The Daiki seats, born out of the Brazilian architect’s passion for Japanese culture, go outdoors, where the open-air space is conceived and experienced as an extension of the indoor living area: a veritable tribute to Japanese design culture. The Daiki family includes armchairs with a deep seat, available both with and without arms, a dining little armchair and a footstool. Created using sophisticated wood crafting techniques, the curved shell in solid teak comprises two elements joined at a 45° angle, with a sloping backrest that guarantees maximum comfort. In the outdoor version the shell offers a snug fit for the stitched cushions, and is set on a stainless-steel frame with Bronze-coloured varnished polished legs. A design that also explores and reinterprets the American Mid-Century atmospheres, injecting new life into the style of contemporary outdoor furnishing with its clean, bold lines, exquisite teak working technique and balanced proportions.


Daiki 户外椅子

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意大利奢侈家具品牌Minotti诞生于1950年,Minotti专业生产顶级扶手椅、沙发和客厅家具,在全世界拥有极高的知名度,在亚洲、欧洲、美洲、非洲、大洋洲的30个国家有售。其设计散发着意大利特有的优雅气息,深受布拉德·皮特、黛米摩尔、詹妮弗·洛佩兹等国际明星的青睐。Minotti的设计并不因为时间而褪色,在当今的世界流行趋势中,Minotti以它的产品形象和外观,为一些领先人士提供参考流行观点的依据。并与意大利的著名设计师Rodolfo Dordoni进行长期合作,Minotti含蓄内敛、时尚经典的设计注定了其将在家具业享有盛誉。同时悠久的历史使Minotti相信设计的灵感不会凭空而来,Minotti的品味是在将近50多年的历史基础上形成的,它经过岁月的砺练,不仅在越来越严酷的市场上确立了牢固的地位,更重要的是它获得了新的经验,进一步提升了它的卓著品质,探寻新方向和新技术,发展已知和未知的材料,创造出一件件富有人文内涵、追求永久的经典之作。想要解读Minotti,Allen沙发就是最好的切入点。线条柔滑、比例绝佳、离地高度及尺寸都恰到好处,在确保不损失沙发整体柔和度、也不破坏整体圆状的情况下,将沙发功能发挥得淋漓尽致,尤其表现在扶手的设计上。高高的靠背为坐者的头部和后背提供了全部的支撑;扶手和靠背的内衬垫是模塑的,而可逆坐垫则是由天鹅绒填充;沙发腿是用压铸铝模塑形成。Allen完美继承了Minotti的经典理念。Minotti的产品均使用顶级的面料,依靠熟练和高度专业的技术工人制作而成,所有产品都确保独特、只此一件、且纯意大利制造。Minotti的每件产品都附有真品和保修证书,所有授权经营商都可以提供设计、销售和售后服务。
