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  • Grace 椅子

"A basic frame to cover in different ways, a sort of outfit to choose according to our taste: this is the distinguishing trait of the Grace chair by Giopato & Coombes. Mandarin Grace wears a sort of collared cape that falls softly to cover the legs, with a central closed split on the back. Polo Grace is covered in layers of leather or fabric with topstitching and loops to create the design of a belt. Pin-Up Grace has a close-fitting outfit that shows off its perfect silhouette. Lastly, Eton Grace wears a male-styled outfit with an elegant tail, with the fanciful touch of a pleat on the armrest which leaves the sides of the frame partially “naked”."


Grace 椅子

  • 订购价
  • ¥10,612.08~¥22,975.83

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