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  • Tay Composition A 沙发

The sofa Tay responds perfectly to the convivial mood that considers the living room to be hub for meeting and socializing. The sofa arrangement consists of four basic units. Backrest and seat cushions are available in a range of shapes and sizes to allow for maximum freedom of choice and the production of more flexible and versatile combinations: a straight line, a corner formation, with or without backrests, with or without armrests, with lateral chaise-longue extensions, and much more besides. The frame rests on aluminium feet. The covers are completely removable and a choice of fabric, leather or Ecopelle Dollaro is available. The exceptional comfort of the seat cushions is guaranteed by the internal core of memory-form, making them even more inviting. The sofa arrangement is completed with comfortable backrest and decorative cushions, with completely removable fabric, leather or Ecopelle covers.


Tay Composition A 沙发

  • 心愿单



在床的设计制造领域中,FLOU公司一直占据了翘楚地位。FLOU在意大利已经有五十多年的历史,自1978年开始,工厂聘请了著名的设计师VicoMagistretti设计了FLOU的第一款床Nathalie,藉此FLOU渐渐成为了一家专著于床具的公司,并且不断推陈出新,成为闻名欧洲乃至世界的经典顶级床具公司。50多年的历史 它追求自然环保、讲究完美质量和使用寿命,其中Nathalie系列更是被称为床具中的经典。VicoMagistretti和RodolfoDordoni两位著名设计师设计了数款造型完美的床具,而且在床的功能设计上,独具匠心,堪称一流。 Flou的床上用品系列同样新颖别致,或热烈奔放、或淡雅素净,与FLOU床具完美搭配,一起营造浪漫气质和高贵品质,让人远离世事的喧嚣与纷扰。
