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  • Igloo System 吊灯

Igloo represents the great innovation in the segment of hanging spotlights. A modular, self-supporting lighting system, it features a series of electromechanical connections, curves and spacers for consecutive linking of several units (up to one hundred) to just one power point. The lamp is suitable for homes, where it plays a more decorative role, and also for contract installations (in the retail, hospitality, office or business sectors) where compositions can be as complex or as simple as required. Igloo is fitted with line voltage Leds and light emission can be adjusted with standard dimmers compatible with Led light sources. It is available in RAL colours white gray and dark gray. RAL or RAL DESIGN colours chosen by the client can be ordered in minimum quantities of 30 pieces.

Fontana Arte

Igloo System 吊灯


  • 心愿单

Fontana Arte


Fontana Arte是第一家在室内设计领域不断强化自身品牌的意大利公司。公司与众多国际设计行业的设计师携手合作,并研发了将工匠工艺与前瞻性设计相结合的设计风格。


二十世纪八十年代对于Fontana Arte来说是一段潮气蓬勃的文艺复兴时期。公司于1998年获得的Compasso d ' oro大奖,体现了由公司新股东Carlo Guglielmi和艺术总监Gae Aulenti引领之下的创新能力。


如今,Fontana Arte是一个扬名四海、环保意识强的国际知名品牌,其追求卓越的传统一直未曾改变,并继续坚持了品质上乘、风格独特的全新设计理念。Gio Ponti的基础设计理念比以往任何时候都更加明确:专注于设计并打造出在社会潮流变革中里。


Fontana Arte所有的灯具在功能性与安全性上都有卓越表现,在设计风格上,简约时尚,以擅长的玻璃工艺结合现代感强的不锈钢,为居室空间带来灵动的光影。

