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  • Rokua 吊灯

Cylindrical and linear, like the ancient coniferous forests of Rokua National Park in Finland, the Rokua luminaire evokes the same serene ambience of this UNESCO site. Just as Rokua Park harbours secrets of the Ice Age, the Rokua lanterns hand-drawn glass conceals the lighting element while diffusing a warm tranquil glow. The solid brass structure of the Rokua, engineered from the hand-milling of brass plates, holds a sophisticated internal structure that supports the hand-drawn glass. As with all our pieces, the Rokua can be customised in size and finish to meet your vision, whether that is vertically or horizontally, a single extended row or multiple rows as displayed here.

Cameron Design House

Rokua 吊灯

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Cameron Design House


Cameron的设计审美从他童年探访到了宁静的斯堪的纳维亚的乡村,以及繁华的伦敦城市开始培养起来。Cameron的形式和功能同样重视,结合了自然,设计和技术元素,创造出美丽,现代和雕塑的特色照明装置。 Cameron从西伦敦的一个小车库开始,逐渐扩大,在新罕布什尔山开设我们的第一个“工作展厅”。后来又搬迁到圣约翰斯伍德的梦幻展,进行内部设计和制作,以确保每件作品的最高水平的做工和创意控制。

我们定期开放工作室,预约时可以观看。 Cameron Design House的作品开始在世界各地流通(从纽约世界贸易中心到沙特阿拉伯的皇室),他们希望建立一个全球性的英国品牌,提倡创新,认真和优质的设计。

