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  • Pp 502 椅子

"pp502’s combined arm- and backrest, also called a top rail, is made from solid wood. The different pieces have been cut from newly felled trees that must be at least 150 years old in order to be the right size. The wood is left to dry for up to 2 years, in a highly controlled environment until the humidity is down to no more than six percent. The frame is made from silver soldered stainless steel and includes an adjustment mechanism enabling the user to adjust the height of the chair. Only the finest leather is used for upholstering the seat."

PP Mobler

Pp 502 椅子

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PP Mobler


PP Mobler是一家家族丹麦细木工车间,成立于1953年,具有制作高品质设计家具的强大传统。动机一直是爱好木材,并坚信技术,创造力和工艺可以结合在一起,追求品质。
