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  • Sisal Fiber Sponge 海绵球

A sisal fiber sponge ideal for a gentle cleansing and exfoliation to make the skin softer, healthier and brighter.

How to use
Use it during your bath or shower, massaging all your body to cleanse, exfoliate and reactivate the circulation. Rinse well the sponge after use and let it dry naturally.
Do not use on damaged, irritated or inflamed skin.
It is recommended to replace the product every 6 months of frequent use. Do not wash in the washing machine. If needed, it is possible to soak the product for a couple of hours in tepid water with a teaspoon of baking soda: rinse well and let it dry. The sponge will be as good as new and disinfected.


Sisal Fiber Sponge 海绵球

  • 订购价
  • ¥84.41

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