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  • Macaron L D540 H475 台灯

The MACARON table light pays homage to the beauty and complex structures of crystalline stone. Enclosed in opposing domes of delicate handblown glass, the stone becomes a moonscape afloat in its own cosmos. The light source casts its glow upward from the onyx base to energize the meandering chalcedony veins in the centre onyx plate and create a subtle and mesmerizing lighting effect. The concept is based on the principle of illuminating stone, and the name refers to the light’s similarity in shape to the famed French meringue confection. Natural imperfections in the glass and the diversity of structures in the stone make each light a unique original. The purity of the natural materials and the artisanship applied in processing them have given rise to a light of extraordinary ambience. Produced using traditional techniques, MACARON is characteristic of the distinctive and enduring aesthetic of the BROKIS brand. MACARON comes in three sizes – the largest of which also makes an attractive floor light – and in several glass colour options with either white or honey onyx. The collection offers an alternate version featuring a centre plate made of fused glass shards in combination with a wooden base.


Macaron L D540 H475 台灯

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BROKIS 的总部设在捷克共和国,起源自1809年,为许多灯具生产灯罩和灯具配件的Janstejn 玻璃工坊,以生产高规格的波西米亚玻璃儿闻名,1997年起,创办人Rabell继而成立了BROKIS灯具品牌,他们将生命奉献在生产精致的照明产品,具有生产品质优良的玻璃的经验,再加上与世界各地知名设计师的结合,创造了当代照明艺术的手工生产风格,他们的成功也证明了一个杰出的设计必须和最佳品质相辅相成。

BROKIS公司是一家充满活力的新企业,公司根据最新设计趋势制定出独具特色的企业战略,无时限解决方案体现了深刻的简洁性、经济性和融合性,以及具有非凡诗情画意的造型,营造出梦幻般的意境。Brokis制造的灯具让家居和办公室别具一格,该公司近年来获得了多项殊荣,其中,中生代设计师 Lucie Koldová和Dana Yeffeta的系列作品尤为突出。
