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Soda water is used to trap air in a super heated glass matrix, which is vertically stretched and folded back onto itself between pegs numerous times. As the glass cools, the folding motion along the grain of the loop turns the entrapped air into microfilaments that give the piece a pearlescent optical quality. A low-voltage xenon or LED light source is introduced at one end of the loop casting light through the microfilaments and registering a gentle gradient.


87 吊灯

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加拿大Bocci是设计师Omer Arbel 在温哥华创立的灯具品牌。Arbel擅长使用灯泡、线和铁丝做出造型有趣的实验性灯具。他到目前为止最出名的设计——系列28(28 Series)还曾在英国伦敦V&A博物馆开展。
