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  • Knot Uovo D300 H480 吊灯

KNOT is a collection of stately pendent lights that appose two dramatically dissimilar materials. The design combines coarse natural fibre with smooth, transparent blown glass to arouse a contrast as striking as it is dignified. Full-bodied globes of varying shapes and sizes are penetrated by robust cords that seemingly pull the bottom of the glass inward for a bemusing plastic effect. The LED light source is housed in a handsome top hood, which, like the cord end cap, is fashioned in refined metal. KNOTs are well-suited to both private and public interior spaces and make a particularly impressive statement above dining tables. The collection currently comprises four pendent lights and several colour options.


Knot Uovo D300 H480 吊灯

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BROKIS 的总部设在捷克共和国,起源自1809年,为许多灯具生产灯罩和灯具配件的Janstejn 玻璃工坊,以生产高规格的波西米亚玻璃儿闻名,1997年起,创办人Rabell继而成立了BROKIS灯具品牌,他们将生命奉献在生产精致的照明产品,具有生产品质优良的玻璃的经验,再加上与世界各地知名设计师的结合,创造了当代照明艺术的手工生产风格,他们的成功也证明了一个杰出的设计必须和最佳品质相辅相成。

BROKIS公司是一家充满活力的新企业,公司根据最新设计趋势制定出独具特色的企业战略,无时限解决方案体现了深刻的简洁性、经济性和融合性,以及具有非凡诗情画意的造型,营造出梦幻般的意境。Brokis制造的灯具让家居和办公室别具一格,该公司近年来获得了多项殊荣,其中,中生代设计师 Lucie Koldová和Dana Yeffeta的系列作品尤为突出。
