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  • All Purpose Box Garybaldi Tin 收纳盒套装

The decoration created by Studio Job for the Garybaldi Tin transforms a commonly used container into a special object. A box to fill with whatever you desire, and then leave on show to admire like a work of art and design.

The Garybaldi Tin is a storage box whose name is a tribute to the first biscuits packed in metal boxes, created on the occasion of Italian general's visit to the United Kingdom, in 1854. Artist-designers, Job Smeets and Nynke Tynagel have an avant-garde language that digs into European cultural and iconographic tradition. "European pop", says Smeets, "allows us to wander between very different stylistic references, the result of profoundly different eras". The intricate decoration of the Garybaldi Tin invites you to get lost in this extraordinary reinterpretation of "European pop".


All Purpose Box Garybaldi Tin 收纳盒套装

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ALESSI创自1921年,ALESSI创始人乔凡尼·艾烈希 (Giovanni Alessi) 於意大利北方人时地灵的奥美良市(Omegna)买下一小块土地成立ALESSI公司,自此ALESSI成为工艺、艺术与品味的代名词。

ALESSI著重生活创意,设计出许许多多颠覆传统家庭用具的作品,每件产品的背后,都有它诗意的感性体验与充满幽默的戏虐趣味, 当然,也无怪乎它动不动就抱走许多国际性比赛的设计大赏,甚或被罗浮宫或纽约现代博物馆指名典藏, 这全归功於ALESSI对自身品质、设计理念与意大利风格的执着。

