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  • Super Long Stretched Cowhide 地毯

The ‘Super Long Stretched Cowhide’ has to be seen to be belived.  Made to measure up to 380cm long, this rug is designed for long rooms and corridors where a standard cowhide fails. Instead of breeding special extra long cows, Young & Battaglia’s design is digitally printed onto a special rubber backed fabric. The high quality photographic image is modified from a real cowhide, and can even see the individual hairs of the fur.  Hardwearing, washable and easy to keep clean, these rugs lie perfectly flat, never curl up at the edges, and don’t give you pet allergies like a real one!


Super Long Stretched Cowhide 地毯

  • 心愿单



Mineheart来自英国伦敦,这是一个十分有爱的室内设计品牌。品牌名字取自莎士比亚的诗句“Mine eye and heart...”(我之眼与心......),饱含深意地寓意着我们每日目之所及的生活器物应该不止具有功能性,更需要包含着内心的故事、爱意与艺术,因此,我们的生活才会变得更有意义。这样的品牌理念当然也延续到了它的产品中。Mineheart的墙纸设计常常与艺术家合作,灵感取自于有故事的物件或历史,融合传统花纹与当代设计,使用环保性能的材料,让不同的经典系列有着不同的室内装饰功能。
