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  • Bolide 酒柜

The latest design from Mauro Lipparini, Bolide is anything but sober, this is a statement piece; one for those that are concerned about form, details and ultimately, interior identity. This is a sculptural expression of design, one that takes angles and positions them in a unique set up that is only ever enhanced by our insight into material manipulation and focused approach to details. Think of Bolide as a fluid structure that found its shape through a combination of planned design and natural guidance, Mauro talks of "a wavy ribbon" and you'd be hard pressed to not see that form, but there is more to this. Compartments are broken up with a distinctive curvature, the doors form the design whilst the swooping angles add a sense of linear diversity. Naturally it is highlighted by the use of materials, finished in either sucupira or moka, whilst the top - made from machined lacquer - provides contrast in both texture and implementation. This is a statement about who we are, a modern identity to being creatures of interior living. Bolide, it's not for the faint hearted but then again, why would you want it to be? 


Bolide 酒柜

  • 心愿单



公司起源于八十年代,凭借对佛罗伦萨(ARKETIPO  FIRENZE)纺织制造质量的一腔热情创造出软垫家具,将高质量和对细节的关注以及充满活力的和永恒的形象相结合。在过去的几年里,它的主要目标是品牌强化和在高端市场的重新定位。 自2008年以来公司拓展了产品系列:除了沙发和扶手椅,还引进了其它配饰系列。这些家具配饰共同呈现出完整的、优雅的、精细同时具备功能性的舒适客厅。呈现出一种简单别致的生活,它将家具文化、传统和功能性紧密结合。 2011年ARKETIPO  FIRENZE被意大利Cattelan收购,Cattelan是家具配饰领域的全球领导企业。这对公司而言是一个新时代的开始:保留了过去价值理念的同时保障了公司业务的发展。

今天ARKETIPO  FIRENZE 的产品经过约800名经销商畅销意大利、奥地利、瑞士、英国、法国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚和中东。在美国也有相关商场,同时香港、新加坡和台湾市场也变得越来越重要 对ARKETIPO  FIRENZE而言,设计就是生命、是风格上的突破、是通过新颖的形式和材料表达自己的价值理念。

