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  • Hypóstila Shelving 书架

BD has always had a special interest in shelving –this auxiliary furnishing that keeps places tidy– and in aluminium too. The Hypóstila shelving was designed in 1979 by Lluís Clotet and Óscar Tusquets, with advice from the engineer Jesús Jiménez, in such a way that it can take heavy loads using minimal sections and achieve an infinity of sizes and arrangements. In 1995, a new shelving model was manufactured, this time based on tubes along the lines of an idea of Enric Miralles.

b.d barcelona design

Hypóstila Shelving 书架

  • 订购价
  • ¥26,270.58

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b.d barcelona design


b.d barcelona design是一家享有国际声誉的西班牙设计公司,1972年由Pep Bonet, Cristian Cirici等著名建筑师及室内设计师共同建立。与b.d barcelona design合作的当代设计师包括Alfredo Häberli, Jaime Hayon, Konstantin Grcic, Ross Lovegrove等。b.d barcelona design的许多产品是从Antoni Gaudí 和Salvador Dalí等大师的作品中汲取灵感,打造出独特前卫的艺术家具。1989年,b.d barcelona design获得西班牙国家设计奖,1990年获得欧共体设计奖,2011年则赢得红点设计大奖“Best of the Best”的殊荣。
