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  • Void Mini Pendant Copper 吊灯

Inspired by vacuum flasks, the Void pendant is made from pure metal which is formed into a complex double‑walled shade. A small but powerful halogen bulb deep inside the lamp creating a soft but directional light beam, while the exterior is polished to a highly reflective finish.

Tom Dixon

Void Mini Pendant Copper 吊灯

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Tom Dixon


Tom Dixon 是英国知名自学成才的工业设计师,他在1987年为意大利知名家具制造商Cappellini 设计 S Chair,被广大媒体与知名博物馆关注,被MoMa等美术馆收藏,凭借 S 形座椅声名大噪,又在 2000 年因对英国设计所作出的杰出贡献而被授予 OBE 奖(大英帝国军官勋章)。

