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  • Plafonet 95 吸顶灯

Plafonet is one of the most flexible products in our portfolio due to its simplicity, good design and excellent quality vs. cost relationship. Plafonet has been with us since 2005 and it has been taking up a stance on the bestsellers ranking year after year. This ceiling lamp was born in our technical office and it is the result of long talks between Carles Riart, Lluís Porqueras and Joana Bover during the refurbishment of the Fonda Europa in Granollers, in which Riart and Porqueras contributed their best knowledge, steeping that beautiful place with a new air but keeping its strong identity. The result was a more comfortable space for endless social gatherings. All the furniture and accessories were designed and created separately, according to the use and place where they were supposed to be allocated. That was, without a doubt, the result of the sensitivity Mr. Parellada, the owner, has for design.


Plafonet 95 吸顶灯

  • 心愿单



尽管Bover品牌持续增长,但Joana Bover始终如一地坚持其原始愿景。她相信永恒的设计,会产生一种永不过时的风格,能够适应未来,而不会大张旗鼓。Bover的产品专为大空间设计,提供高度舒适性和照明性能

