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  • Coronado 沙发

Presented in the distant 1966, after more than forty years Coronado is still the symbol of relaxation. Its revolutionary personality in terms of design and of materials is the example of b&b italia’s industrial culture, but success, then as today, was decreed by aesthetics that converge the classical features of period furniture and modern requirements. Besides the sofas and armchair, the collection also includes a high armchair with a unique ottoman, which have in common the fact that comfort is ensured by a spring system made of steel music wire strips incorporated into the backrest.

B&B Italia

Coronado 沙发

  • 心愿单

B&B Italia


意大利B&B Italia一直致力于材质创新的研究,公司将营业额的百分之三投入研发,获得专利,例如与拜耳公司共同研发成功的“冷发泡聚氨酯”,一种可做成一体成型、又富有弹性的沙发材质;还有与杜邦公司合作的“达克龙填充物”,加在沙发的骨架外,可让沙发不易变形。 在强调高科技、人体工程学的同时,意大利B&B Italia的设计还侧重家具自身功能性,简约,没有任何多余装饰,很好的满足了现代人在繁琐工作和生活中寻找出口,追求心灵安静的精神需求。
意大利B&B Italia的产品展现了意大利设计的历史和成就,让全世界领略到意大利人的想象力、创造力、品味和专业技术。


