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  • 357 Feltri 扶手椅

A familiar figure on many modern antiques’ and collectors’ sites, Feltri is a summation of thinking about figuration in the hybrid zone where the artistic meets the functional. One of a kind, this piece stands out for its enormous flexibility and for the fact that the mattress-like seat can be upholstered in wide array of fabrics. These can be mixed and matched with the six new colour options of the frame, to provide a total of ten colourways. Feltri was created within Cassina’s Research Centre, a place synonymous with experimentation and constructional avant-garde thinking. Here, Gaetano Pesce dedicated time and thought to the design, in the process thinking up a complex new manufacturing process that was later patented by the company. Created entirely from dense wool felt, the pliable, wrap-around back is all one piece. The lower section, meanwhile, is rigid and sturdy, thanks to being impregnated with a thermosetting resin. The seat is attached to the frame using hemp ties; these also extend around the chair’s upper part. A comfortable quilt, coupled with polyester wadding, serves to upholster the inner section of the chair.


357 Feltri 扶手椅

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Cassina公司产品蕴涵了不同的语言和文化,并在风格和材料方面进行了大胆而广泛的试验。许多Cassina公司的产品在问世之初由于过于前卫而受到业界的质疑。然而,随着时间推移,这些产品最终都为人们所接受,并成为设计的经典之作,与其他产品浑然一体。这也充分体现了Cassina在作品选择上的大胆和高瞻远瞩。这方面著名的产品有马里奥·贝里尼(Mario Bellini)的“凯伯椅(Cab Chair)”、喜多俊之(Toshiyuki Kita)的“眨眼椅(Wink Chair)”和帕奥罗·德加内罗(Paolo Deganello)的“伊奥椅(Aeo Chair)”。 如今,Cassina已成为与诺尔和米勒并驾齐驱的、具有国际声望的大公司,它的产品70%销往世界各地。 作为世界级家具品牌,Cassina有着悠久历史,品牌最早起源于十七世纪。从事教堂木器家具的制作,在那时就以精湛的工艺与对细节的关注深入人心。

