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  • 413 Cab 椅子

Chair and armchair with enamelled steel frame. The seat is padded with polyurethane foam. Leather upholstery zippered over the frame, in di—erent colours. The versions in pigmented saddle leather is also available in three colours: black, brown and Russian red.

The head of the family for a collection of chairs bearing this name – including an armchair, a small seat and a couch – CAB was designed in answer to deep questions regarding the exact nature of the semantic meaning of furniture. The chairs were

conceived with the aim of helping to stretch the body, acting almost as an extension of the body, the frame is made of tubular steel over which a stitched leather cover has been stretched, this is then fixed to the frame and held in place by four zips. The chair is now part of the permanent collection at the New York MoMA.


413 Cab 椅子

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Cassina公司产品蕴涵了不同的语言和文化,并在风格和材料方面进行了大胆而广泛的试验。许多Cassina公司的产品在问世之初由于过于前卫而受到业界的质疑。然而,随着时间推移,这些产品最终都为人们所接受,并成为设计的经典之作,与其他产品浑然一体。这也充分体现了Cassina在作品选择上的大胆和高瞻远瞩。这方面著名的产品有马里奥·贝里尼(Mario Bellini)的“凯伯椅(Cab Chair)”、喜多俊之(Toshiyuki Kita)的“眨眼椅(Wink Chair)”和帕奥罗·德加内罗(Paolo Deganello)的“伊奥椅(Aeo Chair)”。 如今,Cassina已成为与诺尔和米勒并驾齐驱的、具有国际声望的大公司,它的产品70%销往世界各地。 作为世界级家具品牌,Cassina有着悠久历史,品牌最早起源于十七世纪。从事教堂木器家具的制作,在那时就以精湛的工艺与对细节的关注深入人心。

